Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The acceptance of homosexuality in China and its future - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 985 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Homosexuality Essay Did you like this example? 21 years ago, in 1997, the Chinese government abolished the hooligan law, which in transferred meaning was decriminalization of homosexuality or same-sex love, in Chinese , in Peoples Republic of China. Just a few years later after the first step in modern progression, the Chinese Society of Psychiatry in 2001 declassified homosexuality as a mental health issue. Even though, homosexuality is not treated as a mental disorder and is not anymore punished by law. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The acceptance of homosexuality in China and its future" essay for you Create order LGBT community does not have the same rights equal to the heterosexuals. Moreover, same-sex couples cannot get insurance, health care, pension, own a home or adopt a child. According to Peking University Sociology Department who held the largest survey yet in 2016, fewer than 15% of homosexuals said they had come out to their families and more than a 50% said that after the coming out to their families, they found themselves to be discriminated as a result. Moreover, we need to bear in mind that China is still being led by a communist party. Even nowadays, in some more rural part of China people believe that homosexuality can be cured and that it is just some act of trendiness. To better understand why is being gay, in Chinese , still an issue in China we have to briefly get over the Chinese history. Documentation of homosexuality in China reaches up to the ancient history. According to Hinsch (1990) study, homosexuality was regarded as a normal condition even before the arrival of influence from the western countries. It is also said that several Chinese emperors had homosexual companions along the heterosexual relationships; there are three tales to be found. If we have a closer look to one of these, there is no wonder that the original designation for homosexuals was   in Chinese or the passion of the cut sleeve in English. The name comes from the story of the Chinese Emperor Ai of Han (27 BC15 August 1 BC), who was once resting with his male-lover. Nevertheless, when he woke up, he found his sleeve under the head of his sleeping lover. As he did not want to awake him, he cut his sleeve off the robe instead. Later on, in 1949 with the emergence of the Communist party in China, homosexual sex was forbidden and criminalized, not as a homosexual intercourse but as a hooligans o ffence. Something like the term homosexuality was simply erased from the peoples minds. The word ignorance could stand as a perfect description of the acceptance of homosexuality in todays China. The ignorance could be considered to be the main issue nowadays or within the elder generation, to equalize the homosexual rights or at least accept gay people within the wider spectrum of people. Another huge determinant, which influences the equalization, is the traditional way of living and worshipping the family. Traditions have the biggest impact on people in a closet. Almost every action of a person is done within the expectations of their parents, families and friends not to harm the reputation within their community. It is no secret that traditional Chinese family is defined by a marriage, which is still described as a union (bond) between a man and a woman. There is one Chinese proverb said by Mencius or Meng Ke, who was Chinese philosopher and sage (4th century BC), which says There are three (many) ways to be unfilial, having no sons is the worst (the worst is not to produce an offspring). Translated from the original. The act of filial piety [1] could be described in many ways, although the most accurate would be that most dishonest to your parents is not to ensure a male heir. By a research from Qingdao University in China from 2012, around 90% of 20 million homosexual men are getting married to a woman just to satisfy their families. LGBT community in China are increasingly getting married in the sham marriage while at the same time are da ting same-sex partner. Ai Qiang, an activist who leads Chinas PFLAG [2] group says: By pretending to be straight and enjoying the social benefits, they are abandoning other LGBT people to face the pressure alone. Ai Qiang also argues that homophobia across the China is caused by the ignorance and the public not knowing any openly gay people in their environment. Living in personal bubbles is not just a problem in China; it is a huge problem all around the planet, it creates disillusions and the user of the data, is surrounded just by the facts with which he/she agrees. Despite the considerable progress, the big uproar came from the society in April 2018, when Sina Weibo[3] targeted and banned the homosexual content out of its site under the same circumstances as content violent or pornographic. The ban was shortly after cancelled due to move of users who shared almost half a million posts using hashtag #IAmGay or in Chinese   as a part of an online protest. Overall, it seems that China is struggling in progressing, because of its diversity. It is a huge country with a lot of diverse customs, traditions and a big spectrum of people. It means that even though, the major cities as Beijing or Shanghai could be mentally prepared to progress in some cases, more rural areas still do not have any knowledge about the LGBT community and are scared f ighting against them with the knowledge, about spreadable diseases, which was presented to them in older days. We must admit that the acceptance of the homosexuals depends on one and each acceptance, knowledge and empathy. Even these days may be for some hard to come out but as the young educated people have clearer minds and see the problems, the movement is getting some progress and the spirit of traditional China is slowly changing. The overall equalization of the LGBT rights in China will not happen in a few months or years, but with its better understanding against those in a LGBT community the country will keep on moving forward.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1588 Words

Fitzgerald saw the 1920s as a time of declining social and moral values which caused the American Dream to be corrupted by greed as well as materialism. The decline of the American Dream was a main theme highlighted throughout The Great Gatsby where Fitzgerald managed to successfully show the brittleness and superficiality the society aspired to live in. However, the passage alone is not enough to be considered as the key to the entire novel, only along with other passages are we able to see what Fitzgerald is trying to convey to his audience in regards to the American Dream. This essay discusses how other passages are also key to the novel and their relevance to Fitzgerald’s idea of the American Dream. The passages convey the manner in†¦show more content†¦In addition, although the American Dream was something which seemed distant for normal people to achieve, instead of being phased by it, people in society were in fact more motivated to work hard to achieve it. At the same time, green is commonly associated with the idea of envy. Faithful followers of the American Dream are often spurred by the envy they had towards what others had therefore they are willing to work hard in hopes of reaching the same level as well. While the American Dream brings about hope for them, Fitzgerald felt that members of the society were constantly in search of their dreams which in reality were very difficult to achieve and even appeared to be unattainable due to how â€Å"minute and far away† (pg. 25) they were. The stretch over the huge distance further emphasized on people’s astonishing ability to dream. In addition, due to the elaborate lifestyles present in the society during the 1920s, many people’s moralities became corrupted. On this point, the American Dream became something out of hand due to the lack of control in morality, people became willing to do anything just to achieve their dream just like how Gatsby succumbed to illegal met hods of acquiring his wealth. Therefore, Fitzgerald wanted to critique the way people tried to achieve their dreams. The American Dream has turned into a materialistic dream. The original idea and impression of the American Dream has evolved into one of materialism due to the decaying social

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Effect of Divorced Parents to their Children Free Essays

The research must be qualified as representing average differences and do not necessarily indicate that all children in divorced families are worse off than all children in intact families. Since there is so much discussion of the effects of divorce on school performance, I want to begin by addressing whether there are really any differences between children who live in divorced families and children who live in married two-parent families (intact). The preponderance of the evidence appears to indicate that divorce does have negative effects on children†s adaptation and academic development. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Divorced Parents to their Children or any similar topic only for you Order Now Furthermore, the specific effects differ from family to family. The argument that divorce has effects on the ability of a child†s academic performance finds support in the case-control study of Children of Divorce: Academic Outcome (Roizblatt et al, 1997). This study focuses on identifying the specific responses that are susceptible for the low academic outcomes, associated with different levels of hostility, aggression, anxiety, and depression that can last until adulthood. To build upon the hypotheses, the authors then examined whether subsequent disadvantages are measured in all aspects of education, from grade points averages to standardized tests to exams/diplomas and years of completed education. The study was conducted at eight public schools in Santiago, Chile. A total of 446 children were examined where almost half the pupils were found to be of divorced families. The students† results were based on the variables of age, sex, and average marks. In order to provide a means of comparison for the experimental group, the authors had the control group (parents living together) choose names that are on the class list that fulfilled the requirement. The data was analyzed in averages, percentages, estimated odds ratio, and confidence levels. The results indicate that children of divorced parents were on average 20% more likely to fail a course than a child of a controlled group. The average marks were also 20% lower for the non-intact children. However, the attendance was almost identical with both being 95 %. In this study, it is obvious that divorce has an impact on a child†s academic performance. The relationship between intact and divorced children is further investigated in a study (Forehand et al, 1997) of the Cumulative Risks Across Family Stressors: Short and Long Term Effects for Adolescents. Furthermore, it discusses claims made that children from divorced families had their grade point averages, academic achievements, and standardized intelligence test scores decreased during and after the psychosocial adjustment. The study took place in two assessments, early adolescence and early adulthood. The study recruited for participation through local newspaper advertisements and fliers distributed to schools and posted throughout the local community. Additionally, some divorced families were identified through examination of courthouse records and subsequently contacted by mail or telephone. The families were paid $50 for their participation. Approximately six years after the first assessment, follow up research was conducted in which adults filled out questionnaires. In order to avoid common-method variance, individuals were assessed by independent sources: adolescent self-report, teacher report, and school records. Letter grades were obtained from math, English, science, and social studies and were assigned numeric values. In the young adult phase, level of education was also taken into consideration. Several risk factors were included to make the results more valid and consistent. The results of the analysis was shown and expressed through a Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). It showed a significant decrease in level of education completed, grade point averages, and achievement tests for both the adolescents and young adults. The researchers feel that parents† being less available to assist and monitor the children and the conflicts between the parents heavily affects the child and his future. Whereas the article exhibited some weaknesses, it also contained strengths. For example, although only Caucasian people were used, the results did include data from more than one period (adolescence and young adulthood.) The evidence was correct with the authors† prediction, indicating almost exactly what Forehand, Biggar, and Kotchick previously hypothesized. Further evidence that children of divorce do worse academically can be seen in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1997). This survey proved that a divorce during a child†s life affects his or her academic abilities during early schools years and throughout college. The previous studies provided answers in the controversy over academic standards of children of divorce. However, there is more to the relationship between a child and the academic abilities possessed. Another method of investigating the relationship focuses on the effects of remarriage following divorce on the academic achievement of children. Although there exists considerable consensus among family theorists regarding the negative effects of divorce upon children both psychologically and in terms of academic achievement, the same consensus does not exist regarding the effects of remarriage. However, social scientists have recently accumulated a sizable amount of evidence indicating that remarriage has ill effects on many children. The journal (Jeyenes et al, 1999), The Effects of Remarriage Following Divorce on the Academic Achievements of Children examines the assumption by educators that parental remarriage benefits children academically. Most educational researchers and theorists have given almost no exhortations to the needs of children of divorce from reconstituted families. The primary reason has been that researchers and Americans, as a whole, believe that parental remarriage generally benefited children. The study included students from the 1988, 1990 and 1992 National Longitudinal Survey data sets that matched students by family structure, race, and socioeconomic status. The project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education†s National Center for Statistics and designed by the National Opinion Research Center. The research included 24,599 students from 1052 schools. Questionnaires were given out to the parents, teachers, and students. Furthermore, achievement tests in math, reading, science, and social studies were administered to students. These tests were curriculum based cognitive tests used in overlapping methods to measure academic achievements. For all the standardized tests, the mean scores for children from divorced, reconstituted families were less than for both children of divorce from single-parent families and children from intact families. When matched for race and socioeconomic status, the differences were not statistically significant. Children living in a divorced, reconstituted family had negative results compared with an intact family. This fact was shown in all four-test measures: lower in math, science, and social studies, but the smallest effect was in the reading test. Contrary to popular misconception, the children of reconstituted families scored lower in all aspects of the tests than children of divorce from single-parent families. These findings do not support the assumption held by many educators that children of divorce from reconstituted homes are better off than divorced and intact children. Actually, the results support the idea that children of divorce from reconstituted families are at an academic disadvantage versus their counterparts in intact families, and are no better off academically than children of divorce from single-parent families. To solidify the results of this research another journal similarly argues that the reconstitution of a family shows lower educational attainments. This is the (Jonsson et al, 1997) Journal of Family Dissolution, Family Reconstitution, and Children†s Education. The study is done both longitudinally and cross-sectionally on large and recent Swedish data. It demonstrates that compared to children in intact families, children who have experienced family reconstitution show lower academic and educational attainment. The journal examines the association between family structure and children†s educational attainment, measured as early school leaving and transition to upper secondary school. The research is done in Sweden, which is a society characterized by a generous and predominantly universal social policy. The respondents started school at age seven and passed through the comprehensive Swedish school system consisting of nine compulsory grades. The data consists of 120,000 cases that were studied for every aspect of a person†s education. The Swedish Commission collected the information on Educational Inequality. First, the researchers found that children of remarried parents continued at school after the compulsory years less often than did those from other family types. For example, they had an 8% more chance of leaving school and 20% less change of going on to college. These problems are due to both poorer performances in school as measured by lower grade point averages, as well as educational decisions on study programs. Both analyses demonstrated that Swedish children who have experienced family reconstitution show decreased academic proficiencies. The cross-sectional analysis shows that children†s attainment is markedly lower in reconstituted families consisting of two non-married parents than in single parent families. The study consistently reveals educational disadvantages for children from separated and remarried families, as measured by standardized tests, exams/diplomas, grade point average, and years of completed education. The analysis of the four aforementioned studies reveals much about the effects of divorce and remarriage on a child†s education. It is obvious that children react to a major change in their lives with a plethora of powerful emotions. In both the Roizblatt and Forehand articles, divorce was shown to have a negative impact on grades and test scores throughout a child†s career. However, there are numerous reasons explaining these effects including conflicts, stress, economic losses, and adjustments. In both the Jonsson and Jeynes articles, conclusions stated that remarriage adversely affects a child†s education. However, reconstitution of a family may also have its advantages. Again, the child is faced with problems like not trying or not getting along with the new member of the family. Results show that the majority How to cite The Effect of Divorced Parents to their Children, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Summary of The Fantastic Mr. Fox Essay Example For Students

Summary of The Fantastic Mr. Fox Essay Fantastic Mr. Fox is an animated movie by Wes Anderson based on the novel by the esteemed Roald Dahl. The movie centers around Mr. Fox, a fox with a craving for crime, voiced by George Clooney. When the film opens, he and his wife, Felicity, voiced by Meryl Streep, are in the middle of a chicken heist. Unfortunately, they are caught in a trap, where Felicity reveals that she is pregnant. Because of her pregnancy, Mr. Fox vows to stop thieving if they escape the trap alive. They do escape, by digging, as viewers later learn. The movie jumps ahead twelve fox years. ? Mr. and Mrs. Fox are living happily with their son, Ash, in their underground abode. Mr. Fox has left behind his days of thieving in favor of a career as a newspaper columnist, though he secretly yearns to practice his beloved craft again. Restless without being able to thieve, Mr. Fox decides he wants to move, specifically to a large tree in the neighborhood. The family moves, against the warnings of Mr. Foxs friend, Badger, who believes it could be dangerous due to the trees human neighbors, the farmers Bogis, Bunce, and Bean, who produce chicken, duck and goose, and turkey and apples respectively. Hearing about these farmers only makes Mr. Fox want to return to his thieving days even more, and he enlists his friend Kylie, a goofy little opossum, to assist him with his Master Plan. The first heist is extremely successful; the pair rob Boggis, the chicken farmer, of many a chicken without a hitch. While this is happening, the Mr. and Mrs. Foxs nephew, Kristofferson, arrives to stay with his aunt and uncle due to his fathers illness. Kristofferson is instantly liked by all who meet him, much to the displeasure of Ash, the Foxs son, who is a rather abstruse fox. Even Mr. Fox seems to prefer his nephew over his son, due to his great athleticism, which Ash insists he has but truly lacks. Mr. Fox even goes on to invite Kristofferson to join him and Kylie on the next heist. The three of them break into Beans farm, where they have a brief face-off with the Rat, but ultimately steal some turkey and apple cider. After this particular heist, Mrs. Fox suspects that there is something going on behind her back, and the farmers discover the Foxs home. The farmers fail in their initial attempts to kill Mr. Fox, but they do manage to shoot off his tail, a painful and humiliating experience for him. The farmers then begin to dig into the Fox household, forcing the family to escape by digging farther down. The rest of the animals are affected by all of the digging, and express their anger at Mr. Fox for endangering them. Mr. Fox tries to make up for destroying their homes by coming up with a plan of retaliation against the farmers. The animals dig into all of the farms, cleaning them out, while the farmers are busy digging for the foxes. Ash and Kristofferson go on a mission to find Mr. Foxs tail, which they find is being used as a neck tie by Bean. They are discovered by Mrs. Bean, who captures Kristofferson. Ash returns just before the farmers flood the tunnels with apple cider, stranding all of the animals in a sewer. Mr. Fox decides to surrender himself to the farmers in exchange for Kristoffersons safe return, but before he can, the Rat attacks the animals. Mr. Fox defeats him, forcing the Rat to tell him of Kristoffersons location. The animals launch an attack on the farmers while Mr. Fox, Kylie, and Ash break into Beans farm again. Ash ultimately saves the day, rescuing Kristofferson and getting his fathers tail back. The battle won, the animals return to the sewers to start a new life. Fantastic Mr. Fox is a highly enjoyable film full of sweet moments and silliness. Its heartwarming, beautifully made, and has the unmistakable quirky essence of an Anderson film. .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db , .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .postImageUrl , .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db , .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db:hover , .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db:visited , .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db:active { border:0!important; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db:active , .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub6cf8b06a20b83976a6c303f3e82c6db:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Love the Beast Directed by Eric Bana EssayBibliography: Fantastic Mr. Fox, a film by Wes Anderson

Friday, November 29, 2019

Alternate Ending to Life as We Knew It. by Susan Beth Pfeffer Essays

Alternate Ending to Life as We Knew It. by Susan Beth Pfeffer Essays Alternate Ending to Life as We Knew It. by Susan Beth Pfeffer Paper Alternate Ending to Life as We Knew It. by Susan Beth Pfeffer Paper Life As We Knew It ALTERNATE ENDING I told my mother that I was going to the post office hoping to have a letter from my father. My mom said â€Å"Miranda, I heard that things should get better soon and this will be all over with, please be quick and be safe, it will all be over soon. † That gave me some hope. I left my skis in the house, knowing what I was going up against. I stepped outside into the blizzard, expecting the worst and not returning home. When I finally got to the post office, I realized that it was closed. Feeling hopeless, I was ready to give up and let the elements take me. But suddenly a flyer blew by me. I snatched the flyer and it said there is a food drive going on at the town hall. I managed to get there; I looked up, strained of all energy. The mayor explained how he was proud of me because I was getting food for my family and thinking of everyone else before myself. Being so exhausted, I looked up at the sky; a patch of blue peeked out at me. I jump up in excitement, an energy rush running through my body. I jump up and down, knowing that things are only going to get better from here knowing that my little brother Johnny and the rest of the family have a chance to survive. The mayor asks what all the excitement was about; I said â€Å"look up; there is hope in the air! † He looked up with the rest of the people at city hall in awe, looking hopeful. I had received a ride home to inform my family on the news. Once I told my mother, she cried tears of joy, knowing that everything should be over soon. Johnny screamed in joy, knowing that we all made it. Life will only get better now. This will soon be the life as we knew it.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to become a kindergarten teacher

How to become a kindergarten teacher As far as teaching careers go, the idea of being a kindergarten teacher seems very appealing. The students are young, not yet subject to the social pressures of middle and high school, and eager to learn about the world. Maybe you see yourself singing songs and helping kids take those tentative first steps on their educational road. But while the job does include those things, the idealized vision of singing about ABCs isn’t the whole picture. Kindergarten teachers are educators first and foremost, and have the daunting task of making sure that many students’ first formal classroom helps set them up for a good education later on. What does a kindergarten teacher do?Because of the basic nature of what early elementary school educators teach, there can be misconceptions about how â€Å"easy† it is to be a kindergarten teacher. Sure, they typically don’t teach advanced calculus, but they do need to be able to teach in a variety of subject areas, while balanci ng young students’ complex needs for social and interpersonal development. A kindergarten teacher’s duties may include:Teaching lessons and basic academic skills across different disciplines (reading, writing, math, science, etc.)Managing classroom behaviorPlanning lessons and curriculumDeveloping educational play activitiesKindergarten teachers can be found in any elementary-level school, including public schools, private schools, or magnet schools. The school week is typically a straightforward number of daytime hours, but the job may also require additional time spent in the mornings, evenings, and off-hours to prepare for school, participate in professional development, or oversee extracurricular activities/school programs. Depending on how the school is structured, kindergarten teachers may have one main class per year, or two (morning and afternoon sessions).What skills do kindergarten teachers need?First and foremost, kindergarten teachers need to have a balance between educational skills and people skills, given that their students may have yet to master a number of life skills and may have a broad variety of needs and skill levels. Here are some of the core skills you’ll need as a kindergarten teacher:Teaching Skills:  For many students, the kindergarten classroom may be the first place they’ll encounter formal lessons on reading, writing, etc. A kindergarten teacher needs to be able to teach the basic building blocks for students with different skills and abilities.Kid-Friendliness:  If you don’t like kids, then spending all day, every day handling the needs of 5–7 year olds just may not be the right teaching career for you. The job definitely requires a good measure of patience and enthusiasm for working with young kids- and all their quirks.Creativity:  Kindergarten is special because it mixes in play and hands-on activities before students start to move on to more formal classes in later grades. A ki ndergarten teacher should have a flair for coming up with fun, creative ways to use educational concepts in the classroom.Organizational Skills:  Kids can bring chaos, especially in large groups. The adult in the room should not also bring chaos. Organizational skills are a cornerstone of any teaching profession, and being able to organize and efficiently manage a classroom full of little kids is an immensely useful skill unto itself.What do you need to become a kindergarten teacher?Unlike preschool teachers, who may not need a four-year degree, becoming a kindergarten teacher typically requires a four-year degree in early childhood education. Many teachers also go on to receive a master’s degree as well. Public school kindergarten teachers are required to be licensed, but this step is not necessarily required for private school teachers. You should consult with your state’s licensing policies, as well as those of your target school/district to see what the specific requirements are.How much do kindergarten teachers get paid?According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for kindergarten teachers is $55,490. This can vary depending on the teacher’s experience and the type of school.What’s the outlook for kindergarten teachers?This is a field that will continue to grow (or at least maintain) given that kids are a continually replenishing natural resource and will always need quality teachers to guide them through those early educational steps. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects that the demand for kindergarten teachers will grow by about 6% through 2024.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The New Colossus By Emma Lazarus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The New Colossus By Emma Lazarus - Essay Example Therefore, it is evident the poem was meant to offer new hope to the immigrants from the tribulation, miseries, and torture of Europe. She says, â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free† (Lazarus, Joseph & Emma n.p). According to the history of Emma Lazarus, one will be able to understand that the fate of immigrants. In one of the articles written focusing on her poem, the writer remarked that Emma was not affected by the issue of America’s racist attitude toward immigrants in her poem. Instead, she involved herself in politicizing the issue of immigrants through turning the American monument into one that has the history of the Jews (Lazarus, Joseph & Emma n.p). The writer noted that Emma had a welcoming gesture that was as a result of her awareness of the persecution of the Jews across the globe. Emma was also interested in Jewish culture through helping them to face the world since she was working with Jewish refugees at the Wards Island immigration center in 1882. These facts prove that she was advocating for the Jews. The other group of immigrants consisted of different people such as Latin American and was not included in Emma’s poem, which campaign to loosen their bondage. Th is is evident in the poem since Emma was zealous in helping the Jews only. That is why she states, â€Å"Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me† (Lazarus, Joseph & Emma n.p). Also, many writers criticized her poem because they did know the intention that Emma had in advocating for the protection of immigrants. The poem, â€Å"The New Colossus written by Emma Lazarus† was written at the height of immigration, which was happening in America and the world at large.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Practicing Corporate Social Responsibility is good for Business Essay

Practicing Corporate Social Responsibility is good for Business - Essay Example Those socially minded non-commercial and the commercial businesses have a responsibility in the provision of equal employment opportunities, accessibility, safe work environments, fair wages and job training. The above-mentioned factors are important in building the human capital. Several companies have gone an extra mile in offering non-mandated benefits like the financial assistance, subsidized housing, food, and health, as well as the educational programs. Generally, they contribute to most of the community programs encouraging volunteerism amongst individuals. Furthermore, the socially responsible firms in businesses adopt sustainable practices in business and support a wide range of many other environmental and the social concerns (Kotler, 2011). The awareness of social responsibility is a significant part of doing business. The corporate social responsibility movement usually encourages the companies to take much responsibility for the effects they have on the market places, workplace, society and the environment (Idowu, 2011). Firms need to be very vocal mostly on their social commitments in publicly reporting social impacts that result from their

Monday, November 18, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Foreign Direct Investment - Assignment Example In other words, FDI inflows might supplement the limited financial resources which retard the growth of an economy. Moreover, FDI inflows could assist in technology transfers that could prove to be more efficient in terms of production and thus, be of high assistance to the developing economies especially in case of LDCs (Assadourian, 2005). On the other hand, too much dependence upon FDIs for economic development, from a particular host nation might turn detrimental in case that the latter exploits the former on such grounds. In addition, the recipient country also suffers if FDI inflows invigorate production processes which ultimately injure the environment. Moreover, in case the benefits of FDI inflows trickle down to any particular segment of the economy only, possibilities of social uprisings grow intense among those who are not directly benefitted out of the same (OECD, 2002). FDI outflows could be turn to be beneficial for the source economy through boosting its current accoun t position in terms of profit returns from sales made in the host economy. Moreover, prospects of rise in employment are also multiplied in the source economy when the raw materials produced in the host nation are brought in for manufacture of final goods. Lastly, technology and skill from the host nation are also passed into the home country, thus benefitting the latter. One of the highest costs incurred in FDI outflows is that of capital account deficits owing to a massive outflow in the initial phase. Secondly, the home country suffers from a current account deficit if the purpose of FDI outflow is to import low-cost raw materials (Vaidya, 2006). Determinants of FDI The primary factors which determine the flow of... The primary factors which determine the flow of FDI within an economy are – †¢ At the face of competition, the foreign investors often consider foreign investment to be beneficial for their long run growths against their rivals. Such a measure could help them in securing their foothold in a non-domestic market. †¢ Such measures are often adopted in order to maintain a long term relationship which might prove to be profitable in the future, either in terms of a sustained flow of cost efficient inputs or technology. Moreover, a long term commitment could be advantageous at times of bargain as well. †¢ In addition, involvement in new product in a foreign market is associated with economies of moving in first (Moosa, 2002). Answer to Question 2 The association between openness to trade and economic growth of an economy is a highly debatable topic. There exist theories as well as empirical evidences supporting and opposing the facts, so that the applicability of any one of them cannot be asserted in the true sense of the term. One robust theory which could be raised in support of the hypothesis is that lower the degree of trade restrictions in an economy, higher will be the inflow of export revenues in the nation which in turn boosts the national income of the economy. Moreover, abolition of restrictions over trade such as import tariffs or export quotas could help in extracting the benefits of comparative advantage which is beneficial in lowering the cost of production.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Penicillin fermentation and role of strain improvement on efficiency

Penicillin fermentation and role of strain improvement on efficiency Introduction Penicillin is one of the most vital drugs known to the medical world. Its discovery by Alexander Fleming in late 1920s changed the face of the world by bringing hope in peoples lives as penicillin was effectively used against diseases such as syphilis and staphylococcus infections. Penicillins discovery was an unexpected accident carried out while isolating staphylococcus aureus by growing bacteria on petri dishes. It was discovered that on one of the dishes a contaminating mould named penicillium notatum had no bacteria around it. Fleming noticed this behavior and obtained a small amount of the secreted antimicrobial product and named it penicillin. However Fleming was not able to commercialize the product into starting a large scale production process and preserved the cultured organism. As penicillin became more popular among other researchers, fermentation processes were being developed to improve its yield. [3]. Using these fermentation techniques, researchers started to carry o ut the production of penicillin in labs at a smaller scale. This process required a considerable amount of time and effort. One of the first methods used to produce penicillin came not too soon after its discovery. The first production procedure resulted in penicillin being produced by fermentation using surface method. In this method, penicillium mould was grown on top of a quiescent medium and bottle plant techniques were used to yield penicillin. This was a descent breakthrough in producing the antibiotic drug but it took very long growing cycles of penicillium mould. [3]. The demand for antibiotics really went up during and after the Second World War. At this time penicillin was well known around the world, however its production at larger scale with better efficiency was needed to make it a household name. The challenge of producing penicillin at larger scale was very daunting for researchers and engineers. It was at that time when fermentation research on corn steep liquor at a laboratory in Illinois, USA allowed in producing 2.3 million doses through development of deep tank fermentation [5]. As the demand for penicillin was rising, different ways of obtaining the antibiotic drug increased. Such production methods involved the use of fermenters with buffers and separation funnels, the property of liquid-liquid extraction, distribution ratios and finally the use of a membrane in a countercurrent extraction column. Penicillin Production Procedures Since the discovery of penicillin as an antibiotic drug, there have been many different methods developed to produce penicillin efficiently in order to achieve maximum yield. For instance, the recovery of penicillin using an emulsion liquid membrane in countercurrent extraction column is very successful method yield a highly qualitative product. The use of a countercurrent extraction column requires both a dispersed phase and an aqueous phase. The aqueous phase is made of penicillin potassium salt which is dissolved in a citrate buffer solution while the dispersed phase is made of a mixture of internal aqueous solution; sodium carbonate present in de-ionized water and organic solution, a mixture of a secondary amine, and nonionic polyamine in kerosene [1]. In order to process this method, the continuous phase is first fed through the top of the column at unsteady state, and when the flow of this phase reaches steady state, the dispersed phase is injected through the bottom of the col umn, producing a countercurrent extraction with the help of a nozzle. While the process is extracting, time samples are taken from the top and the bottom to monitor the concentration of penicillin. Once the separation of the continuous phase and dispersed phase occurs with the help of a filtration process, the penicillin that was present in the continuous phase is recovered. The effectiveness of the removal of different types of penicillin can be removed at a greater value at lower pH. This is because at a lower pH the impurities are left behind and can be removed, but at a higher pH, the impurities will remain with the organic phase, and thus will be hard to separate. This is the major reason why the aqueous extract is acidified again, so that we are able to lower the pH and obtain a better amount of penicillin and remove most of the impurities present [4]. Although methods like Emulsion liquid membrane in countercurrent extraction column can be very productive and economically feasible, some other measures are still required to produce penicillin in industry at a larger scale. Industrial Procedure The industrial process of the recovery of penicillin is in fact more complex. It requires the use of a fermenter, a filtration system and 3 buffer units, as shown in figure below. The industrial process uses the same principle of distribution ratio, which determines the measure of purity in the extracted product. The distribution ration is equal to the concentration of a solute phase in an organic phase divided by its concentration in aqueous phase. This principle is effectively used in removing the level of impurities from the final product. In this process, corn-steep liquor, which is a waste product in the wet milling of corn, is entered as the feed. When it enters the fermenter, additional nutrients such as metabolism modifiers and antifoaming agents can also be added. The pH is then adjusted and the contents in the fermenter are seam sterilized. As the temperature reaches a value of about 25oC, the fermenter is inoculated with a pure and high yielding mutant strain of Penicillium [2]. At this point, it comes in contact with sterile air with the help of turbine agitation to provide proper air medium interface and the constant addition of extra nutrients an d antifoaming agents [2]. This whole process is carried out for approximately one week. After the fermentation period, the solution is then sent to a filtration unit where impurities such as mycelium are separated from the aqueous solution that contains penicillin. As the separation takes place, the aqueous solution goes through three extraction units to obtain the final product in solid form. First the solution enters the primary extraction unit where its pH is reduced to a value of two by using sulfuric acid and amyl acetate, these results in penicillin to be extracted. This organic solution is then sent into the secondary extraction unit where it comes into contact with an aqueous buffer solution with a pH of six. This results in the formation of rich penicillin aqueous solution. Finally this solution is sent to the third and final extraction unit. Here the solution is re-acidified and either contacted with the same organic solvent used in primary extraction or with another organ ic solvent such as methyl isobutyl ketone. This second contact with organic solvent is used to prevent the transfer of any soluble impurities [2]. After continuous treatment, the final product of penicillin is recovered in solid form. Conclusion Penicillin is world renown antibiotic, its importance came in the early 1900s were it was used as a healing agent for bacterial infections. Till today its importance plays a vital role in society. Penecillin process is carried out with the help of new ways being developed in the recovery of penicillin. To conclude, it was noted that there are many different ways to recover penicillin using different agents. However, the quality and quantity of the product plays an important role in determining the best fermenting process. Using the principles of distribution ratios recovered penicillin in an almost pure form. While the use of countercurrent extraction column gave a more modernized method, but was not always able to give similar results as the use of distribution ratios. References [1] Lee, Sang C. Contiuous extraction of penicillin by liquid membrane in a countercurrent extraction column. Journal of Membrane Science 124 (1997): 43-51. [2] Baird, Malcolm H. Handbook of Solvent Extraction. New York, NY: Wiley, 1983. [3] Philipe, Dr Calos. Penicillin. First lecture of Chem Eng 3BK3. [4] T. Hano, M. Matsumoto and T. Ohtake, Continuous Extraction of Penicillin G with liquid surfactant membrane using vibro mixer. Journal of Membrane Science 93(1994): 61 [5] [Mary Bellis. The History of Penicillin.Inventors. About.com. Retrieved 2007-10-30.]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Loyalty and Sacrifice in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays

John Steinbeck was born in 1902, in California's Salinas Valley, a region that would eventually serve as the setting for Of Mice and Men, as well as many of his other works. He studied literature and writing at Stanford University. He then moved to New York City and worked as a laborer and journalist for five years, until he completed his first novel in 1929, Cup of Gold. With the publication of Tortilla Flat in 1935, Steinbeck achieved fame and became a popular author. He wrote many novels about the California laboring class. Two of his more famous novels included Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck got the title for Of Mice and Men from a line of Robert Burns, a Scottish poet, â€Å"The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry." In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck includes the theme of loyalty and sacrifice between friends. Steinbeck illustrates the loyalty and sacrifice between friends through the friendship of Lennie and George. The issue of loyalty is embodied in the character of George. He is an intelligent man who could make a successful living for himself on his own. He chooses to stay beside his friend Lennie. George can never get a steady job to fulfill his long-term goal of having his own farm. The first job that Lennie and George have together goes well for a while. Eventually Lennie ruins everything that is going good for them. Lennie sees a pretty dress that a girl is wearing. Without thinking about what he is doing, he goes up and grabs the dress to feel the nice fabric. This scares the girl and she tells the boss. Soon the whole town is after Lennie. This is the perfect time for George to start a new life, without Lennie. However, because of his loyalty to Lennie, he chooses to help Lennie escape from the town. Lennie needs George to survive. It is this that propels George to make the sacrifice that he does. After Lennie kills Curley’s wife, George knows that this is the end for Lennie. No matter what, someone will eventually kill Lennie. And if Lennie gets away this time, there will be another time, and eventually the inevitable will happen. He truly loves Lennie, so he shoots Lennie painlessly in the back of the head. Lennie dies with the happy thought of the dream of the farm they want to own some day.

Monday, November 11, 2019

“Habit is a great deadener”. In what ways does Waiting for Godot illustrate this idea? Essay

Habit and routine form an important part of the play Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett. The play, a famous product of the ‘Theatre of the Absurd’, is characterized by a circular structure which doesn’t lead anywhere, repetitive dialogue and a general absurdity. It witnesses two men, Vladimir and Estragon, who spend the entire two acts waiting for Godot. The routines they develop throughout the play are mainly a result of their attempts to pass the time. Habits such as fiddling with objects and telling stories become part of their routine and seem like a good way to get through the waiting. However, as Vladimir himself says, â€Å"habit is a great deadener† (Beckett 105) and eventually their habits deaden them. The term â€Å"deadener† implies that the habits make the characters even more bored and that instead of helping them, they lead to their downfall and make their lives even more meaningless. This essay will discuss the habits developed by the various characters and explore whether they indeed illustrate the idea of habits being a deadener. Through this, it will also discuss what Beckett is trying to prove about habit in human life in general. One habit that is developed in Waiting for Godot by both Estragon and Pozzo is fiddling with objects. This habit is portrayed mainly through the stage directions and is therefore visual action instead of words. Estragon uses objects such as his boot in order to pass time. â€Å"Silence. Estragon is fiddling with his boot again† (Beckett 37). In this stage direction, Beckett places Estragon’s fiddling within a silence which shows how he tries to fill the void by playing with his boot. This habit is formed out of boredom and therefore designed to relieve it. Through this, Beckett seems to be commenting on how human beings rely on habits in order to give their lives meaning and security. However, instead of making life more interesting, the repeated fiddling only reinforces the monotony in the play making the characters even more bored. Pozzo on the other hand fiddles mostly with his watch, â€Å"cuddling his watch to his ear [†¦] he puts his watch back in his pocket† (Beckett 37). He repeatedly takes his watch out, consults it, puts it away, and gets it out again in a very routinely manner. He does not only do this to pass the time; it is also a way for him to prove his superiority through the material objects he owns. It is important for him to continuously assert his power and position. However, instead of giving him power, this habit eventually contributes to his downfall. In the second act, Pozzo becomes blind and loses all his power. A second way for Pozzo to prove his power and seek attention is by performing which also becomes habitual. At several occasions, Pozzo takes on another role and starts performing in order to entertain the others and become the centre of attention. He usually performs dramatic monologues, â€Å"tirelessly torrents of red and white light it begins to lose its effulgence† (Beckett 38). This sentence clearly shows his eloquent diction chosen to impress his audience and again prove his superiority. The varied syntax of this particular speech, ranging from complicated poetic sentences to short crude phrases, makes it interesting to his audience and shows how he is indeed acting. Every time he takes on a role, he ensures that everyone is paying attention to him because that is his ultimate goal. Routines are a way for people to define themselves by what they habitually do. But again, this habit turns out to be a deadener which is illustrated by Pozzo’s sudden change of status in the second act. Suddenly he is blind and no one pays attention to him anymore. He repeatedly asks for help but no one responds and this proves how his habits deadened him. A similar habit to that of performing is telling stories. It is one of the first habits to be introduced in the play and is again a way for them to fill the time. In the beginning of the play, Vladimir attempts to tell his first story, but Estragon repeatedly interrupts him: â€Å"two thieves, crucified at the same time as Our Saviour. One – / our what?† (Beckett 6). This habit is almost an immediate deadener as it fails to achieve its goal of passing time and giving them something to do. Estragon’s interruptions undermine Vladimir’s capabilities as a story teller and turn the stories into meaningless, circular debates. Instead of storytelling becoming a routine to give their lives meaning, it becomes a reinforcement of the meaninglessness of their existence proving that they aren’t going anywhere. None of the routines or habits they develop is helping. They are in fact doing the opposite and making their situation worse. They are still stuck waitin g for Godot and always will be. Waiting in itself could be considered as a deadening habit. It is definitely the dominating habit in the play as they are continuously waiting. The phrase â€Å"we’re waiting for Godot† (Beckett 51), which also inspires the title, is the most repeated sentence in the entire play. The fact that it is repeated so many times shows how desperate and meaningless their situation has become. The repetition of the phrase emphasises its importance to the overall play because even though it is very simple, it sums up the entirety of the play. This habit is arguably the most deadening of all as it prevents them from leaving and going on with their lives. It forces them to stay put and thereby takes all the meaning out of their existence, diminishing them to mere spectators rather than participators in life. A final habit that Estragon and Vladimir develop is that of staying together. In staying together, they attempt to avoid the insecurity of being lonely and try to use each other to confirm that their lives do have meaning. â€Å"I felt lonely†, says Vladimir when Estragon falls asleep (Beckett 10). This simple sentence is the very essence of why they develop the habit of staying together. Even though Estragon is physically there, Vladimir has no one to talk to anymore and this agitates him. They need each other even if they don’t always get along in order to confirm each other’s existence. At the slightest threat of being left alone, they panic and therefore stay together as a matter of necessity. The above quotation invokes pathos in the audience as they realise how strong their reliance is upon one another and therefore how low they have sunk as individuals. They are trying to avoid insecurity through their habits, but Beckett is implying that this is impossible and that habits will lead to monotony and insignificance in your life. Instead of profiting from each other, staying together prevents them from moving forward and thereby deadens them. Habit is indeed a deadener and Waiting for Godot illustrates this in numerous ways. All four characters in the play have been deadened by their habits and instead of their routine saving them, they caused their downfall. It seems as if Beckett is trying to illustrate how habit affects people in reality. It is unavoidable as human beings to develop habits. It is almost like a natural mechanism in order for us to avoid absurdity in life. However, Beckett implies, one has to accept absurdity as it is part of life. Habits won’t give us the security we need, they will only bring monotony and eventual deadening to our lives as happened in Waiting for Godot. This play is obviously part of absurdist theatre and therefore an exaggeration, however Beckett seems to be relating it to real life to a certain extent. He seems to be advising to prevent from developing habits and instead accept the randomness that unavoidably accompanies life. Work cited: Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. Grove Press: New York, 1982.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Union College Admissions and Acceptance Rate

Union College Admissions and Acceptance Rate Union College in Schenectady, New York is a relatively selective school, admitting 37 percent of its applicants. Learn admissions data for this school. You can  calculate your chances of getting in  with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Union College Acceptance Rate: 37  percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Union AdmissionsUnion College is test-optional About Union College Founded in 1795, Union College is a private liberal arts college located in Schenectady, New York, northwest of Albany. It was the first college chartered by the Board of Regents in New York State. Explore the campus with the  Union College photo tour. Union students come from 38 states and 34 countries, and they can choose from 30 degree programs. Union has a 10 to 1  student/faculty ratio, and upper-level classes average 15 students (20 students for introductory courses). Unions strengths in the liberal arts and sciences earned the school a chapter of  Phi Beta Kappa. Student life is active with more than 100 clubs and activities, 17 fraternities and sororities, 12 theme houses, and seven Minerva Houses (centers for academic and social activities). In athletics, the Union College Dutchmen compete in the NCAA Division III Liberty League (Hockey is in the Division I ECAC Conference Hockey League). Enrollment (2015) Total Enrollment: 2,269  (all undergraduate)Gender Breakdown: 54 percent male / 46 percent female98 percent full-time Costs (2016 -17) Tuition and Fees: $51,696Books: $1,500  (why so much?)Room and Board: $12,678Other Expenses: $486Total Cost: $66,360 Union College Financial Aid (2015 -16) Percentage of Students Receiving Aid: 85  percentPercentage of Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 83 percentLoans: 43 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $25,492Loans: $7,843 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors:  Biology, Economics, English, History, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Political Science, PsychologyWhat major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 92 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 81 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 87  percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports:  Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Swimming, Track and Field, Baseball, RowingWomens Sports:  Lacrosse, Rowing, Soccer, Softball, Track and Field, Basketball, Field Hockey If You Like Union College, You May Also Like These Schools: Skidmore College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTufts University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTrinity College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHobart William Smith Colleges: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCornell University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph  Bates College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAlfred University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphVassar College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBinghamton University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSyracuse University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphStony Brook University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Union College Mission Statement: mission statement from union.edu/about/mission/index.php Union College, founded in 1795, is a scholarly community dedicated to shaping the future and to understanding the past. Faculty, staff, and administrators welcome diverse and talented students into our community, work closely with them to provide a broad and deep education, and guide them in finding and cultivating their passions. We do this with a wide range of disciplines and interdisciplinary programs in the liberal arts and engineering, as well as academic, athletic, cultural, and social activities, including opportunities to study abroad and to participate in undergraduate research and community service. We develop in our students the analytic and reflective abilities needed to become engaged, innovative, and ethical contributors to an increasingly diverse, global, and technologically complex society. Data Sources: National Center for Educational Statistics and the Union College Website

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

People With Dementia In Hong Kong Social Work Essay Essays

People With Dementia In Hong Kong Social Work Essay Essays People With Dementia In Hong Kong Social Work Essay Essay People With Dementia In Hong Kong Social Work Essay Essay Presents, twenty-four hours attention, or nursing place is one of centres of supplying stimulation to participants with dementedness and scheduling alleviation to health professionals. However, twenty-four hours attention did little to decide go oning attention issues that resume upon the single returning place while it provided enormous alleviation during the hours of service. So, household health professionals still provide extraordinary, unsalaried attention, preponderantly in the place scene ( Lavretsky et al. , 2010 ) .A Unfortunately, health professionals are frequently placed at great hazard for negative results that besides compromise the wellbeing of the patients with dementedness and rise their hazard for arrangement in institutional scenes. As a consequence, health professional demands are overlooked in most clinical and service scenes, which may worsen the issue of attention of people with dementedness. Challenges of household health professionals 1. Biological positions Health professionals of people with dementedness must pull off their loved-ones activities of day-to-day life, such as dressing, toileting, and eating. Physically, health professionals are faced with demands affecting aid with day-to-day activities and increased daytime disfunction compared to non-caregiving controls ( McKibbin et al. , 2005 ) . Besides, slumber perturbations have hurtful effects on household health professionals wellness, which is besides documented as being prognostic of heightened hazards, including cardiovascular disease ( Rose et al. , 2008 ) . At the same clip, weariness may lend to the depletion of health professional s determination to commit their demented partner ( Vitaliano et al. , 2003 ) . 2. Psychological positions The emphasis of caregiving in dementedness has been highlighted in legion surveies, frequently described as an ongoing emphasis procedure ( Schulz A ; Martire, 2004 ) . At the beginning, loved one has been diagnosed with dementedness, go forthing many with a sense of apprehension, uncertainness, fright, and shame ( Gorina et al. , 2006 ) . Furthermore, in one survey, health professionals expressed their concerns about a deficiency of cognition on the cause of unwellness, on the interventions available for their relation, and on the types of services available and how to entree those services ( Wong et al. , 2003 ) . In add-on, they feel defeat when holding trouble pull offing drug conformity and medical followups, positive symptoms, such as eccentric behaviours, inordinate and unmanageable emotions, and negative symptoms of their relations with mental unwellness, such as tick overing at place and prevarication in bed all the clip ( Wong, 2000 ) . Later, heartache might happen in response to loss of personal freedom, worry about the hereafter, alterations in functions and function struggle, and breaks in operation ( Holly A ; Mast, 2009 ) . Compared with Western civilization, the sense of familial duty among Chinese health professionals in Hong Kong exacerbates the emphasis of caregiving in dementedness ( Wong, 2000 ) . Social positions Social costs are being borne by health professionals with relations enduring from chronic mental unwellness ( Lowder et al. , 2005 ) . Many surveies have found that household members, peculiarly the health professionals, experience an addition in household struggles, limited friendly relationship and societal life, fiscal trouble, alteration in day-to-day modus operandis ( Wong et al. , 2002 ; Schulz A ; Martire, 2004 ; Wong, 2006 ) .Moreover, Hong Kong health professionals scored significantly higher in societal costs than the Australian health professionals ( Wong et al. , 2002 ) . Sing the challenges of household health professionals above, the intent of this article is to research the potency of back uping to health professionals of people with dementedness in Hong Kong, in consideration of the wellbeing of the patients, particularly of themselves. Current state of affairs in Hong Kong Servicess provided in Hong Kong In Hong Kong the service provided for health professionals of dementedness people is holistic. Social Welfare Department has hotline services every bit good as household services centres to offer guidance, support, and referral services to carers. And the carers support cernter in it and in Caritas Hong Kong besides provide support services for those who need to take attention of the aged at place. Scope of service in such sort of centres are mianly skill-training and educational plans, self-help and common support groups, resouce corner, couseling and referral services, information giving, presentation of rehabilitation-aid equipment and societal recreational activities ( GovHK, 2006 ) . Although there are holistic intercession plans for the health professional of dementedness individual in Hong Kong, we find that those plans maily concentrate on how to better attention for the dementedness people. After analysing the challenges faced by household health professionals above, it is necessary to set accent on the carers every bit good. Second, bar plans or services for carers of people with dementedness which is diagnosed at the first phase are mentioned small. However, the bar is of import for carers as they may cognize the troubles early and have the psychological readying for all the possible challenges in order to supply better service for patients or supportive strength for themselves. Third, the bulk of intercession plans aim at primary health professionals. However, harmonizing to the systemic household position ( Yan, 2003 ) , household is ecological. Although the primary health professional is responsible for the day-to-day attention of the dementedness senior , all household members will see emphasiss. In order to set up a new equilibrium of household kineticss, functions and relationships, power and boundary restructuring are needed to be adjusted to the altering state of affairs. Therefore, household as a system to be considered when an intercession program is adopted is necessary and helpful to keep a harmoniousness and consolidate environment. 2. Policies supported Prior to World War 2, no community-based psychiatric service was available for people with mental unwellness in Hong Kong. These persons were put into refuges run by charitable organisations, such as Tung Wah services ( Yip, 1998 ) . During 1960s and 1970s, really few community-based installations, such as half-way houses and sheltered workshops for mentally sick individuals were established ( Wong, 2006 ) . In 1982, the incident that an acutely psychotic individual went into kindergarten, injured, and even killed a figure of kids created a panic in the community. As a effect, the Hong Kong authorities took more duty in funding societal and vocational rehabilitation services. In the early 1990s, psychiatric inmate and community rehabilitation services have undergone many alterations ( Wong, 2006 ) . However, there are several restriction of the mental wellness attention system and policies. First of all is lack of way and coordination of service. Whereas assorted political, societal, and cultural conditions may hold shaped the development and scene of different precedences in different states, the Hong Kong SAR authorities still has non established an overall mental wellness policy to steer the development of mental wellness services in Hong Kong, even though assorted mental wellness Acts of the Apostless have been lawfully endorsed in such states as the United States, and Canada. Second, bringing of mental wellness services is unequal. In Hong Kong, the dominant service bringing manner is still mostly office-based, with a nine-to-five working agenda. Very few services operated on the weekends and after office hours. Therefore, when health professionals need professional aid, their comparative with chronic mental unwellness who is inactive to intervention may non be able to have timely intercessions. Third, there is a deficiency of community rehabilitation services. Presently, four authorities subsidized resource centres are available, but three of these four centres have been funded by the Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong merely since October 2003. Furthermore, deficiency of usage of informal attention is besides a restriction. In Hong Kong, merely several government-subsidized comparative resource centres exist along with a few self-help groups with little ranks. The mental wellness attention system has non to the full utilized the resources available from these informal and webs ( Wong, 2006 ) . Finally, resources are deficiency for health professionals of people with dementedness. At present, most of the resources in mental wellness attention have been put into services for people with serious mental unwellness, such as schizophrenic disorder, and really few resources have been devoted to set uping services for health professionals of people with mental unwellness, particularly with dementedness, within the misinterpretation of dementedness as a normal phenomenon among the aged. Furthermore, some societal workers may non hold the clinical cognition and accomplishments in mental wellness to execute psychiatric appraisal and guidance for health professionals and their comparative with unwellness. Schemes on how to make bar and intercession When to step in? Harmonizing to Rabins ( 1994 ) , bar can be categorized into three types: primary bar, in which a upset is prevented from happening ; secondary bar, in which an intercession is provided early when the upset is identified ; and third bar, in which morbidity occurs, but long-run effects of upset are diminished after appropriate intercession ( Rabins, 1994 ) . A primary-prevention scheme would take at households at hazard and most current caregiver-intervention surveies are secondary- bar surveies. They focus on persons who have sought aid from an organisation. Identifying persons who are at great hazard of developing impairment due to societal, fiscal, physical, intrapersonal, or interpersonal resources limit early in the class of caregiving could better the usage of bing services and forestall them from worsening more serious jobs. Tertiary bar, that is to minimise the morbidity of persons who have clearly developed unwanted results because of caregiving ( Rabins, 1994 ) . Based on the three stages, different intercessions are used. Prevention plans can be applied to the household members with aged people who might go possible patients or the health professionals of dementedness people who have been diagnosed at an early phase. Public instruction plans about dementednesss can be utile to those households with aged people. Besides, people need to be encouraged to pass on with dementia patients or their health professionals to understand the possible challenges they may run into which besides can be a manner to back up the existent health professionals. Besides, psycho-education group is another good manner to assist health professionals which offers support, cognition and accomplishments preparation. For the intercession programs, they are largely applied to the carers who have already faced the troubles and felt challenged for themselves every bit good as the patients during the lovingness. They may meet the jobs from biological and psychological posit ions. Furthermore, they face the challenges of missing household support every bit good as societal support which make them experience enduring. As a consequence, the undermentioned portion will present the intercession program for carers of dementedness aged. Different facets to step in a. Biological facet It can be counterproductive for household members to go on caring for their relations when they are under bad healthy state of affairs, so it is necessary for household health professionals to reload their energy by taking a interruption from caring for their relations. They should be encouraged and helped to set up more fulfilling and interesting societal lives or they can take a relaxer such as aerobic exercises, massage, watching films with friends ( Stehman, Strachan, Glenner, Glenner, A ; Neubauer, 1996 ) . Furthermore, some accomplishments such as Body scan ( Stehman, et al. , 1996 ) can quiet the health professional down when he or she feels nerve-racking or has tight tenseness. Regular organic structure scrutiny is necessary for the carers every bit good. B. Psychological facets Harmonizing to psychological jobs of health professionals, the most serious points are distress, low self-efficacy which can take to depression and choler during the lovingness procedure ( Gallagher-Thompson, 1994 ) . When reding with the carers, listening is valuable to them as they ever need person to listen to their feelings and experience which is a manner of release ( Marshall A ; Tibbs, 2006 ) . Furthermore, utilizing psycho-educational intercession plans can be helpful in which two plans were developed. One is Increasing Life Satisfaction , the 1 that focused on managing depression by increasing the frequence of battle in pleasant activities, and the other one is Coping with Frustration which aims at anger-management accomplishments and cut downing the frequence every bit good as strength of choler feelings ( Gallagher-Thompson, 1994 ) . Both of the two plans are developed from cognitive-behavioral position. And the continuance can be last 10 Sessionss at three-month interv als between every three Sessionss. Second, other health professional preparation plans which provide support to heighten positive emotion are ever needed. The preparation portions two major ends: to better health professionals ability to get by with the emphasis of caregiving and to authorise health professionals by developing problem-solving schemes ( Kaplan, 1996 ) . The ability of work outing jobs when caring frequently relates to the cognitive position and will act upon the emphasis degree. Another polar purpose is to increase the self-efficacy of carers. Since self-efficacy of health professionals relates to their physical and mental wellness and high degree of depression may take to low self-efficacy and more load to health professionals, it is peculiarly important to heighten the self-efficacy of health professionals ( Fortinsky, Kulldorff, Kleppinger, A ; Kenyon-Pesce, 2009 ) . In a word, efficient intercession to assist health professionals better their problem-solving accomplishments and therefore heighten self-efficacy and cut down the emphasis every bit good as negative emotion such as guilty or choler is of import when sing the psychological facet. c. Family support As mentioned before, balanced household kineticss and support from other members are benefit to both the patient and the health professional. Intervention plans that attempt to assist the household members develop proper attitudes toward their relations, get basic information on the daily direction of their relations, better communicating accomplishments are found to be utile. Indeed, it is necessary for the worker to see household members as spouses and resources in the attention of people with dementia disease. Family therapy ( Marshall A ; Tibbs, 2006 ) is traditionally practised in dysfunctional households and normally it is utile when households are under emphasis. Sing dementedness as a household job instead than a job for a individual individual, or the individual and the carer, can be really constructive. In the household system, usually there are some subsytems such as siblings relationship, parent-child relationship, and matrimonial relationship. And when one of the members have demetia job, struggle or statement arises under the nerve-racking environment. Under this fortunes, better communicating and confidant relationship aid to get by with the crisis ( Quinn A ; Herndon, 1986 ) . The household had a clear but flexible boundary, which allowed other systems come in to supply aid. The household members were besides flexible in seting different functions and positioning in the household to accomplish stableness. So holding household guidance, and affect all the possible members to discourse and portion with each other is of import. Under the understanding, the members can back up each other and the load or emotional job can be eased. d. Social support Caregiver support groups throughout the community to assist people better header with complex issues is necessary like the groups provided by Alzheimer s Community Care ( Caregiver Support Groups, 2010 ) . Besides, it concludes one particular service called 24-hour crisis line to supply crisis intercession. Such sort of intercession is rather utile because it will stabilise and organize exigency resources and advocator for the patient and health professional. Furthermore, it ensures the patient to accomplish the optimal degree of operation, enabling the patient to stay in the least restrictive scene. Educational support group is an intercession used by the bulk of the plans. The aims are to assist health professionals develop cognition about dementedness and the procedure of caring for person with the disease ; to help health professionals to larn about the resources and services available to them and to back up them in their experience of caregiving and in their demand for self-care. Small groups of less than 15 people can be offered to intensify and personalise the cognition gained through the seminars. Caregivers experience more at easiness to raise their concerns and inquiries. Furthermore, workers can hold the clip to turn to concerns and issues selected from them. Enhanced Home and community services ( EHCCS ) plan provided by Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong and Carer support Group organized by Hong Kong Alzheimer`s Disease Association offer such sort of platform for carers. Health professionals can acquire professional resources and emotional support from the sharin g of experient carers. Besides, reprieve attention ( Lawton, 1994 ) allows health professional to be temporarily relieved of the duty for attention. It qualifes as a wide generalized intercession because it supplies the wherewithal of clip for the health professional to make whatever he or she wishes-a ture open-ended intercession. Furthermore, instance direction services provided by community aid health professionals to negociate the societal services or wellness attention system. Through this manner, multiple professionals can be gethered to back up and run into the demands of health professionals and patients. At last, societal workers besides can assist through place visiting and offering couseling. During the assisting procedure, communicating accomplishments and techniques such as nomalization, go toing and miracle inquiries are needed to promote health professionals to portion and show their negative emotions and therefore to measure the health professionals job and aid. When making the couseling, music and art therapy can be an chance for carers to bask and better the quality of life. 3. Suggestion for policies First of wholly, the proviso of psychiatric attention involves such different sections as wellness attention, societal services, instruction, and vocational preparation, and involves different professionals such as head-shrinkers, occupational healers, psychologists, and societal workers. Different operation units have their ain sets of standards and processs for accepting service user. It is easy to appreciate the troubles and confusion household members face when accessing the mental wellness attention system. Therefore, a systemic, comprehensive wellness attention policy should be established, which provide the household health professionals with information on the assorted services available and procure the services for his or her comparative. Second, since a big figure of mentally sick persons live with their household, and some these household members have taken up the lovingness functions, the authorities has the duty to supply resources and funding to back up these household members. In kernel, if household members can adequately execute their lovingness functions, it may cut down the opportunity of their relation s backsliding and accordingly fewer hospitalizations will happen. Finally, in order to increase the household s operation of caring the dementedness people in Hong Kong, the authorities needs to administrate more resources to bureaus that provide single and group reding for health professionals of people enduring from serious and mild psychiatric unwellness. Decision

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nature vs. nurture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nature vs. nurture - Essay Example Much is random and therefore isn't really "behavior": a flagellating protozoa isn't "looking for" food. When social scientists explain human behaviour they imply purposeful and consequential activities. It is understood that humans are aware of their own acts and those of others. In other words, human behaviours are acquired rather than natural. Instincts, which are activities that are made without learning, altered as adaptations to exact circumstances. But success in adaptation comes at a cost: instincts make organisms "puppets" of their surroundings. Anticipating a rain a frog croaks, just as the rooster crows with the beginning of dawn. Neither the frog nor the rooster had any choice in the matter; their behaviours were simply determined by the environment. Humans have the smallest number of instincts; as an alternative, we have contradictory genetic abilities and capacities to react our environment. For us, consequently, surroundings remain a strong determinant of behaviours. Social scientists are ever more realizing the discourse of the interactions that take place between nature and nurture. The existence of genes does not by itself make sure that a particular feature will be obvious. Genes need the proper upbringing for inborn propensities to be entirely expressed. These "proper surroundings" contain not only natural environment but also of individuals' common and symbolic milieus.According to Richard Dawkins, the final purpose of the game of life is the immortality of one's information. This information is of two types: the genetic, the programming of one's DNA, and the memetic, the elements of intellectual information individuals pass on in their society. "We are survival machines," he writes in The Selfish Gene, "robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes." And "just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool b y leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation."(Dawkins, 1976, p.147) Support of probable genetic factors determining the direction of individuals' lifelong interests and behaviours increases. For instance, Alexander Graham Bell, who unintentionally invented the telephone whilst working on ways to help the hearing impaired, came from a family that was involved in working with problems of speech and sound. Both his mother and his wife were hard of hearing. His paternal grandfather wrote a book on phonetics and created a treatment for those who are loosing hearing, which was supported by his father and uncle.It is worth noting the gloomy history of efforts to connect cultural differences and social deviance to genetic "defects." In the early physiognomic literature on deviance, for example, Cesare Lombroso (Deam, 1989) wrote in the 1870s how deviants had extremely long legs in comparison with rest of their bodies, weird head shapes, absence of a appropriate chin, ingrown ear flaps or large ears. They were, he states, throwbacks to earlier phases of huma n development. In early 1900th was published The Blood of the Nation: A Study of the Decay of Races Through the Survival of the Unfit, an evil work by David Starr Jordon, the first President of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Aboriginal Maternal Health and Outcomes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Aboriginal Maternal Health and Outcomes - Essay Example Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have shown some improvement in healthcare practices, but the rates are still higher than non-indigenous women. The teenage mothers’ rate of birth was at 18.6% in 2010 compared to 3.4% among non-indigenous mothers. Mothers starting antenatal care at less than 14 weeks increased to 71.3% which was a good sign, but those starting the same care at less than 20 weeks also increased to 84.1% from 74.8%. These percentages are very high compared to non-indigenous percentage of 6.9% from 11.2% (Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, 2012). This is clear evidence that antenatal care attendance is very poor. There are other high rates or figures measuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women performance and outcomes in healthcare. These are summarized in the table above.An Antenatal Strategy That Could Be Implemented To Improve Maternal and/or Fetal OutcomesThe poor outcomes can be attributed to culturally unsafe practices, and inequities in service delivery. Kildea and others (2012), evaluated the impact of antenatal care that utilized a combination of cultural practices and standard practice antenatal care, and provided recommendations on what was appropriate. In this research, there was a specialist's antenatal clinic. Since the researchers had established that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women had poor outcomes when it comes to infant mortality rates and the infants’ well-being, this antenatal clinic proved to be very beneficial.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reasons behind Nursing as Career Choice Literature review

Reasons behind Nursing as Career Choice - Literature review Example From this research it is clear that nurses often compose the biggest group of healthcare professionals all over the world. In the United Kingdom (UK), there are around 27 physicians for every 10,000 people, while there are 103 nurses and midwives for the same ratio. Nurses are also considered as versatile caregivers and the backbone of the national healthcare system. Recruiting general nurses, especially in the United States and Europe, however, has undergone considerable decline over the years. Lai, Peng, and Chang and Preston noted that nursing recruitment and attrition are worldwide concerns, even for first world countries. They are concerned of the reasons that compel nurses to leave the nursing profession, such as lack of support from other healthcare staff and poor avenues for professional development. These nurses would have stayed in the profession if they received more support from mentors or coaches, as well as opportunities for professional development. A decreasing number of entrants to the profession of nursing have also been a core issue for many countries. The increased rates of nursing student attrition have brought about multiple quality and quantity healthcare delivery issues. In 2002, Jennings reported attrition rates in pre-registration nurse education that ranged from 27 per cent to 40 per cent for the entire United Kingdom alone. Price reviewed the qualitative literature on nursing as a career choice and one of the reasons that students do not pursue nursing or stop pursuing nursing is because of the â€Å"paradox of caring†... These external and internal concerns are only some of the reasons that the nursing profession has experienced loss of nurses and decrease in nursing students. Chapter One will explore recruitment, selection, and retention issues. It will provide the overview on the positive and negative images of nursing to target students. It will show that there is a research gap on studying the motivations of both nurses and potential nursing students in pursuing nursing as a long-term career option. It will also discuss the research goals of the researcher. 1:2 The Demand is Not Equal to the Supply Numerous nursing recruitment (Wells and McElwee, 2000), orientation (Price, 2009), retention (While and Blackman, 1998), socialisation (Price, 2009) and attrition issues (Rognstad, Aasland, and Granum, 2004) have affected the supply of nurses all over the world. Demand for nurses and other healthcare professionals and workers, however, continue to rise, as life expectancy improves and people experienci ng acute and chronic health conditions increase (van den Heuvel et al., 2009). One of the main causes of the discrepancy between nursing demand and supply is the human resource management (HRM) practices and strategies of healthcare institutions (Locke, Alavi, and Wagner, 1997). According to reports, there have been challenges in nurse recruitment and the filling up of nursing positions at hospitals. For instance, in 2000, there was a shortage of an estimate of 110,700 registered nurses as reported by the Ministry of Health in the US (Sochalski, 2002). In addition, Buerhaus, Staiger, and Auerbach (2008) reported that the shortfall of registered nurses in the country is likely to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Bank Risk Essay Example for Free

Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Bank Risk Essay The decline of the religion has been attributed into modern times with a materialistic culture by the popular wisdom of today, the understanding of religion has embedded this view, as nature having only spiritual limits, and the worldly well being of an individual is very detached in this relation. However, this understanding of Islam religion has been misguided by many of among us in the past, as well as in the present. A critical role has been played by every religion regarding the guidance to survive in a society communally, and in the characterization of different markets of that time. In the religious regards, equal distribution of wealth and debt annulment was preached and emphasized by every religion in the past. The enforcement of the debt bond has been strongly rejected by all the beliefs and the concept of canceling the debt have been upheld by them. In the past, in order to satisfy and fulfill the financial needs of devout and pious Muslims, a concept of money depository was introduced in the Islamic civilization, which has now become a growing phenomenon of the world, that is, around 1. 6 billion Muslims in the world. The macro-economic properties of banking institution have been studies by many economists with relation to an ideal and isolated Islamic economy framework. In modern days, the working of this pioneering financial system is going on very effectively in various parts of the world. In many developed and under-developed countries, the other conventional banking systems are having this unique financing system besides them in every sector of the economy. In this regard, the comparative analysis has been done in this study, which will try to differentiate the Islamic banking system with the Conventional ones. In this study, we will try to understand and clarify the demarcation between the Islamic and Conventional Banking and the risks that are borne by these methods of banking. A financial intermediary having the aims and objectives related to the principles of Islamic law or ‘Shariah’ may be defined as an Islamic Banking System. Consequently, the zero-interest activities and operations are the key features of this distinctive banking system. However, eliminating the transactions based on interest is not the only objective of Islamic banking. The abolishment of all kinds of exploitation is also another aspect of Islamic banking system. In result, a balanced and unbiased social order is established by the system in this regard. Only the role of financier is not played by an Islamic bank. It also works as a partner in the business of an individual. Due to this, the risk between the capital owner and the entrepreneurs is involved by this system. However, the positive result of the collective efforts is also shared by the Islamic banking. Thus, the other conventional banking and interest-based system differs from the Islamic banking, as only the entrepreneur or the owner of the capital bears the risk in the conventional banking, and vice versa. However, the individual and bank shares the abovementioned with each other, which provides the entrepreneur to develop as a whole. In other way, participatory banking name can be given to the Islamic banking in this regard. In the Islamic economics, zero return on capital is not meant by the eliminating process of the interest in this unique banking system, as the pre-determination of a fixed return is forbidden for a certain amount of production in the Islamic laws. The equity based investment principle is followed by the Islamic banks. The contraction of the resources based on deals relating to the sharing of risks, and the ventures of capital is also proposed by the Islamic banking. It has been noted by the economists that economic growth and development of an individual becomes applicable and easy with the vital role that is played by the Islamic banks around the world. We can say that a relationship between finance, commerce, and industry is tried and developed by this exclusive banking system, which differs from the other conventional banking due to these characteristics of its system. The Islamic banking plays its role as an equity-based system, where the pre-determined interest rate is excluded, and the nominal value of deposits is not guaranteed. In result, changing values of the share deposits absorbs the shock to asset position immediately. Therefore, in such system, the assets and liabilities of bank will carry the same real value at all the points. However, in the more traditional and conventional banking system, a diversion can be caused between the real assets and liabilities by such shocks in the process of fixed nominal value of deposits. Therefore, the abovementioned features of this Islamic banking differs it from the traditional and conventional banking system, and so, various levels of risks are borne by these systems. Nowadays, many countries are trying to examine the possibilities of the introduction of an interest-free banking system based on the Islamic laws and principles. It has also been argued and discussed that if the Islamic financial system will be established in the various countries, it will be feasible, but also profitable for the individuals, as well as, the companies as a whole. These days, the truth of interest as an unbearable burden is being realized by the Western countries, as well as, the developing countries around the world. In this regard, all the interests have been waived by the Canada. A similar move has been made by the Australia. The suggestion of waiving off the 30 to 35% of the present interests of the debt has been officially given by the President of France. Therefore, it may be generalized that Islamic Banking and Financing System is a unique and distinctive system, which differs from the conventional banking systems around the world. In order to make a more detailed comparative view of the working and risks borne by the Islamic and Conventional Banking Systems, we will try to analyze with the help of data that represents the comparison between these two financial systems that are applied and practiced around the world. There are some different and diverse characteristics of the abovementioned two banking systems, which should be discussed in order to clarify the comparison between them. In the Islamic Financing system, the number of customers is less than the Marketing-based financing system. The ownership of the Islamic Banking is usually taken by the local or foreign individuals. However, only the local shareholders enjoy the ownership in the conventional banking system. In the Islamic banking, the integration of different activities is very high as compared to the traditional banking system. Lastly, the Islamic financing system has the high intensity of managing and bearing the risk internally, as well as externally. However, the risk is managed and borne by the Marketing-based financing system less internally and externally. Risk sharing is closely related to the risk management; no matter it may be external or internal in its nature. Development of close ties between the customers, and other interest groups may bring the risk externalization by an organization. It has also been indicated by various economists that one contributing factor that is related to the risk management is the long-term relations, which are made on the mutual dependence in an organization. From the different studies related to the Islamic Financing System, the responsibilities are shared by the junior and the senior staff jointly in organizations. In this case, the higher and lower level of management shares the risk. However, in the Marketing-based and Conventional Banking system, the internal risk is shared on a lower basis due to the centralization of power and authority, as compared to the Islamic Banking System. Conclusively, a high degree of the sharing of internal risk is characterized during managing the risk management in the Islamic Banking system as compared to the other conventional financing systems. Therefore, there are many differentiation between the Islamic and Traditional Banking systems around the world. Regarding the risk externalization, in the Islamic Banking system, the close lender-borrower relationships are characterized during the lending activities of organizations. The borrowers are also guided by the Islamic bankers apart from lending funds to them. In result, efficient network relationships create the increment of the externalization of risks relating to the partners who exchange in this regard. Therefore, in the Islamic Financing System, the degree of external risk is observed to be high. However, the formal lenders-borrowers relationships are characterized within the Conventional and Marketing-based financing system. In the result, it is a low degree of externalization of risks in this traditional banking system. In this regard, the extent of success of a banking organization is determined by the lender-borrower relationships, where the customers are given credit in this regard. Direct contacts with the various customers are maintained within the Islamic, as well as, the Conventional Financing Systems. The differentiation is observed in the Islamic Banking System while dealing with the financial activities, as the borrowed funds are monitored closely by these bankers, which results in the higher intensity of the lender-borrower relationships. In this regard, the risks are borne on a higher extent by the Islamic Banking system as compared to the conventional ones. However, the bank gets the higher profit as we have tried to discuss it in the abovementioned matter. Conclusively, the issues of fairness and justice are concerned in the Islamic principles that are related to the interest, rather than defining the efficiency narrowly. The focus is placed on the necessity of sharing the risk in a stable condition with the help of these principles, as well as, at the time of exploitation of the markets. We have also clarified that the Islamic Financing System works on the equity-based projects. However, the conventional ones prefer the debit-based schemes for the lenders and individuals. In an Islamic financing situation, the ownership is shared by the both bank and the client, and in the Conventional banking, all the equity is owned by the client, and the property value plays as a security to the bank loan. We hope that this study will help the scholars and the economists in understanding the role and differentiation of the Islamic Conventional Banking around the world. Works Cited Ahmad, S. (1992). Towards Interest-Free Banking. New Delhi: International Islamic Publishers. Chapra, M. (2000). The Future of Economics: An Islamic Perspective. Leicester, UK: The Islamic Foundation. Dar, A. H. , and Presley, J. R. (1999). Islamic Finance: A Western Perspective. International Journal of Islamic Financial Services. Dar, A. (2002). Islamic House Financing in the United Kingdom: Problems, Challenges, and Prospects. Ahmad, K. (1994). Elimination of Riba: Concepts and Problems, Response to the Supreme Court Questionnaire. Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan.